Adolescent Health Working Group (AHWG) improves health equity so that all youth ages 11 to 24 in California and beyond have unimpeded access to comprehensive, youth-centered, and culturally-based healthcare.
Our resources support adolescent youth, their parents and caregivers, and the providers who work with them. Resources provide comprehensive evidence-based tools, practice standards, and trainings by pulling together community voices and expertise to support providers, youth, and their caregivers.
Resources for Providers
All of our provider resources serve as in-depth toolkits with pages of information, handouts, and tips. Please note that our resources for providers are not meant for direct youth consumption. However, these do contain tools for Providers to facilitate conversations with youth and their parents/caregivers.
Be Real. Be Ready. – Smart Sex Ed
“Be Real. Be Ready.” was developed to address the knowledge deficit left behind after decades of teaching young people abstinence-only sex education. This inclusive and current approach to sex education goes beyond explaining anatomy and reproductive organs. The curriculum challenges students to consider what they want from a healthy relationship, how to assess various levels of risk, what are the most effective measures for birth control, and how to navigate conversations about sex with peers and romantic partners.
Substance Use and Harm Reduction
Young people, their caregivers, and many youth-serving providers lack substance use harm reduction-based education. The “just say no” model of substance use education is as unrealistic and ineffective as abstinence-only sex education. All youth need harm reduction-based drug education to keep themselves and their peers safe. The Safety First: Real Drug Education for Teens curriculum is a comprehensive tool for teachers that allows them to have honest conversations about drugs with their students, equipping them with the skills to navigate their risks.