New Resource: Tips for Hosting Virtual Student Club Meetings
In March 2020, student clubs at the middle, high school, and college level either stalled or vanished altogether due to in-person school closures, distance learning, and social distancing measures. Student clubs are vital as they typically provide community, joy, and space where students can be themselves.
Many campuses hold a tradition of a Club Rush and some schools have even built up a community tradition with a rally, parade, or other major event for clubs to conduct outreach and for students to build up a network. Young people continue to vocalize a lack of social opportunities.
We challenge schools to consider holding a virtual Club Rush. Student clubs can put together digital flyers and work with teachers and school administrators to disseminate information.
Adolescent Health Working Group encourages student clubs and groups to meet regularly, virtually. Isolation over a long period of time can harm a young person’s mental health. Creating a community is important to a students’ mental health and will help them be more engaged with both school and their peers.
To support these efforts, we created a social media slideshow that shares tips on hosting virtual student club meetings. The resource includes tips on consistency, online meeting etiquette, meeting agendas, icebreakers, and additional resources.
- Download the images as a pdf or series of .jpgs that your organization can share.
- See our posts on Instagram.
The following resources are also helpful in planning your virtual student clubs