Innovative Strategies on HIV/HCV/STD Services for Homeless Youth – Meeting on 11/21
Adolescent Health Working Group (AHWG) has been working on a Collective Impact & Strategic Planning project over the last few months to determine how future funds in San Francisco should be spent.
AHWG is pulling together stakeholders who engage with homeless youth ages 24 and under. We will review existing projects/services surrounding sexual health, behavioral health, and substance use/overdose prevention and how these services overlap with HIV/HCV/STD prevention/treatment services.
We have an upcoming meeting focused on this project.
Date: November 21, 2019
Location: 730 Polk Street (4th Floor, Audre Lorde Community Room)
Time: 12pm to 3pm
Food: We will have a catered lunch
We are encouraging homeless (or recently homeless) youth ages 24 and under to join in on the meeting so they can provide input with their own lived experiences surrounding HIV/HCV/STD services (and other services that address homelessness). We have 10 stipends available for the November 21 meeting (at $100 each). However, a provider will need to help a young person register for the meeting in order to qualify for the stipend by completing the online form here.
If you are a provider, click here to RSVP for the meeting.
If you work with a homeless (or recently homeless) youth ages 24 and under that would like to attend, please click here to register.
To learn more about this project, please read this.
Please reach out with any questions by emailing [email protected].